
Our appointment system allows you to book appointments with the Doctor or Nurse up to 4 weeks in advance. If you require a specific doctor or time, please arrange your appointment in advance.

“On-the-day” appointments are allocated to the first available doctor. You will not be able to choose a doctor or time. There are only a very limited amount of on-the-day appointments so we would ask that you arrange any routine appointments in advance.

If no appointments are available, a triage system will be in operation for Urgent Cases. Patients will receive a call from a GP for assessment and/or appropriate treatment.

We also offer GP “Extended Hours” appointments from 7.30 until 8.30 am on alternating Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays and with our HCA on Mondays.   Please ask the receptionist for details.

You can also book your appointment on-line if you have registered for this service. Call in at the Medical Centre for a Pin Number and instructions. Then, use the link below to access the system.

On-line Appointments – Patient Access


You may be aware of changes to the “GP Contract” via national television and newspapers. This is changing the way that GP’s will work, ensuring patients will see the right clinician for their ailment. Over the next few weeks and months you will notice a change to the way the telephone is answered at the medical centre:  the receptionist will ask what is wrong with you today and will “signpost” you to the appropriate clinician.   This may be to the local pharmacy, your  optician, a physiotherapist  or to the Advanced Practice Nurse (known as the ANP) at the medical centre. Our ANP, Sister Morag Donaghy, has undergone advanced training in minor ailments, can treat a variety of illnesses and issue medication where necessary.   This leaves the doctor time to see more complex cases in patients with ongoing or chronic diseases.

Our receptionists have also undergone Signposting training which was organised by the Health Board. They will ask you questions regarding your symptoms in order that they can “Signpost” you to the correct place.