
DNA Policy

Doctors surgeries are very busy places with many demands on doctors and nurses time. As a result, we have a policy for those patients who DNA (Do/Did Not Attend) their booked appointments.

You must attend all booked appointments. If you cannot attend then you must call to cancel (or re-arrange) your appointment with sufficient notice that the appointment can be re-used (at least 1-hour notice must be given.)

New Patient Registration: if you do not attend you will not be given another opportunity to join our practice

Patient for less than 1 year: you will be lettered after missing 1 appointment. If you miss another appointment, you will be removed from our practice list and asked to find a new doctor.

Patient for more than 1 year: you will be lettered after missing 3 appointments in any 1 year period. If you miss another 2 appointments anytime thereafter you will be lettered again and will be removed from the practice list after any futher missed appointments.

Out of Hours – Emergency Calls

If you require a GP between 6 pm and 8 am Monday to Friday and weekends, phone NHS 24 on 111.  A receptionist in the emergency call centre will answer your call. They will either:

  • Arrange for you to speak to a doctor or nurse.
  • Invite you to attend the centre (at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley) and be seen by the doctor.
  • Arrange a home visit if you are too ill to visit the centre.

Please note that this service is for serious illnesses and emergencies only.

NHS 24 website:

Home Visits

Requests for home visits should be made before 10.00 am each day. Call made after 10 a.m. will be assessed by the on-call doctor. Wherever possible, please make every effort to come to the surgery since this allows the doctor more time and better facilities to deal with your problems.

Test Results

You should telephone the medical centre for your tests results approximately 5 days after the test. Please call between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm and ask the receptionist if the result is available. She may ask you to telephone back later as the doctor/practice nurse may wish to speak to you to discuss the results.

Change of Details

If you change your name, address or telephone number, please inform the practice as soon as possible. This is important as it keeps our records up-to-date. If you move out of the practice area, you will be required to change your doctor.

New Patients

All new patients are very welcome. We adhere strictly to the Equality Act 2010 and do not discriminate against any minority group, race or religion. You will be asked to make an appointment with the practice nurse before being accepted onto the practice list. The receptionist will give you a registration form and a sample bottle for routine testing.


Patient Responsibilities

  • To treat the GP’s and staff with courtesy and respect.
  • To attend appointments on time or cancel in advance if you no longer require the appointment.
  • If you are late you may be asked to make another appointment.
  • Notify us if you change your name, address or telephone number.
  • Any request for home visits (if medically required) should be made before 10.00 am.
  • Patients should understand that appointments are for one person only.
  • Use the tear-off slip when requesting further supplies of your medication.

Practice Responsibilities

  • You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all times.
  • You have the right to be treated confidentially.
  • The practice does not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual preference, disability or medical condition.
  • You have the right to an explanation in writing if you are removed from the practice list.
  • You have a right to information about your own health.
  • You have a right to see your medical records subject to the limitation of the law. A charge may be made.
  • If there is a substantial delay when attending for your appointment at the surgery, you will be given an explanation.

Disclosure of Patient Information

The practice complies with Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances:

  • To provide further medical treatment for you, eg from district nurses and hospital services.
  • To help you get other services, eg from the Social Work Department. This requires your consent.
  • When we have a duty to others, eg in child protection cases.

Patient Confidentiality

All patients will be treated confidentially at this surgery. A young person under 16 years has the same right as an older person.

Temporary Residents/Emergency Patients

You are able to see a doctor anywhere in the UK if you are away from home and in need of medical help. You may do this by asking to see the nearest doctor as a temporary resident/emergency patient. We will be happy to see any relative or friend staying with you if medical assistance is required.

Suggestions and Complaints

The staff at the practice strive to offer the best care and attention at all times. However, if you are unhappy with the service we provide please contact the Practice Manager. We welcome any suggestions as to how we can improve our service.

Data Protection

Love Street Medical Centre is a “paperless” practice. This means that the majority of your record is held in an electronic format. This information is accessible by authorised staff within the practice. It will not be passed on to anyone without your explicit consent. If you wish to view this information, please call the Practice Manager to arrange a suitable date and time.

Zero Tolerance Policy

There is a zero tolerance policy towards violent, threatening and abusive behaviour. At no time will any violent, threatening or abusive behaviour be tolerated in this practice. This includes Social Media such as Facebook etc.All physical abuse to any of our staff is reported to the police. The patient will also be immediately removed from our practice list.

All physical abuse to any of our staff is reported to the police. The patient will also be immediately removed from our practice list.

Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership

For information on a variety of Health Board themes and services in the Renfrewshire area, please view the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership (RHSCP) Website.  Click here to access :